Aaron is in eighth grade and loves mathematics and storytelling. He is a hardworking and very creative student who has a lot of potential. But Aaron’s neighborhood public school’s chronic underperformance means that overall student performance is low, and school violence is prevalent.
Aaron’s parents wanted better opportunities for their children. So they sent Aaron and his siblings to Jubilee Network School Hunting Park Christian Academy (HPCA). And now Aaron’s parents have seen him thrive!
“My three children have attended Hunting Park Christian Academy and I have been very pleased with the way they were treated and taught. I love the teachers at the school. They are willing to work with my children. There is not a big turnover in teachers. My eldest daughter is in college now and her first grade teacher is still at the Hunting Park Christian Academy!”
The stable and reliable network of teachers at HPCA gives Aaron the opportunities to grow personally and academically. His parents note that his time at the school has provided a noticeable difference in his academic performance. The investment of his teachers has even influenced his favorite subjects! In particular, Aaron has developed a love of reading. His parents observe:
“He became excited about reading through a reading challenge at school. Now he dedicates a lot of time to reading and even reads at a higher level. At the school, he is constantly challenged to reach higher goals. He is taking advanced courses like algebra which is normally taught in the higher grades.”
While Aaron’s parents have confidence in HPCA for their children’s academic growth, they also have confidence in HPCA for their children’s spiritual growth. They know that HPCA is reinforcing their own faith in God and their love for Jesus. The decidedly Christian aspect of HPCA’s program is an invaluable aspect of childhood development that would be otherwise unavailable at Aaron’s neighborhood public school. The loving and nurturing environment provided by the Christian staff at HPCA means that Aaron’s parents have support and partnership in raising their children in the faith. His parents note there is an observable impact on Aaron’s character. “He is empathetic, funny and caring. He has an old soul.”
As Aaron prepares for high school, he is beginning to explore what career path he might pursue. His creativity and love of storytelling may lead him to a writing career, perhaps in journalism. While he isn’t sure yet what career path he will pursue, the possibilities are numerous, thanks to the quality Christian education he has received during his time at Hunting Park Christian Academy.